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Yardi Landlord and Resident Portal

As of Monday, November 25, 2024, PCHA is Moving our Main Campus!

PCHA has been located at 603 Polk St S, Tacoma, Washington, 98444 for several decades, but the site no longer meets the needs of our growing operations. As PCHA brings on new programs, more staff, and continues to advance our work, we have invested in an office facility that better meets our needs, and reflects the pride we take in serving our community.

As of November 25th, 2024, our location and mailing address will be:

Pierce County Housing Authority
11515 Canyon Road E
Puyallup, WA, 98373

Effective Friday, November 22, 2024, all mail, invoices, rent payments, appointments, and other correspondence should be directed to the Canyon Road location. Submitting documents through the online portal is strongly preferred and is the primary method for document submission. If the portal is not an option, email is the next best alternative. For those unable to submit documents electronically, a drop box is available at PCHA’s new address. Please note that the drop box at 603 Polk St. is no longer in use.

Thank you for your continued participation with our organization. We look forward to improving our service capacity in our new location!


SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 – PCHA understands our residents and partners may have concerns with the impending Government Shutdown predicted to begin on October 1, 2023. We have created this FAQ to answer the pressing questions we normally receive in this situation. Please rest assured that October’s Housing Assistance Payments will still be processed as usual.

JANUARY 27, 2023 – PCHA was approved to begin a Section 18 Disposition of its Low-Income Public Housing properties. For more information on why PCHA is pursuing Section 18, how current participants will be protected in this process, and what benefits this program has for the residents of Pierce County, please see .

SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 – the Washington State Auditor’s office completed its annual audit of Pierce County Housing Authority’s financials for FY2021. This audit report is open to the public and available at:

To find the results for PCHA, or any other public entity, type the organization’s name into the search parameters.

MARCH 11, 2021 – President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Part of that plan includes funding for Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV’s). The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded 62 of these vouchers to the Pierce County Housing Authority (PCHA).

Emergency Housing Vouchers are to assist individuals and families who are experiencing:

  • Homelessness
  • At risk of homelessness
  • Fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking
  • Were recently homeless and for whom providing rental assistance will prevent the family’s homelessness or having high risk of housing instability.

If any of these apply to you, you may be eligible for an Emergency Housing Voucher. The EHV referrals for the program will be maintained and prioritized by Pierce County’s Coordinated Entry System, the waitlist with be maintained by the Housing Authority. If drawn in the lottery, you will be contacted by the PCHA of your potential eligibility via phone, or email as provided to the Coordinated Entry Team.

It is likely that many people eligible for this voucher program are already connected to the Coordinated Entry System if they have previously sought out services in the community. Due to high demand, connection to the Coordinated Entry System does not guarantee your eligibility and each agency issuing these vouchers may have specific prioritization of eligibility for their agency.

To determine your eligibility for an EHV please call 2-1-1 (United Way) for more information.

In the event you are already connected with services, contact your current service provide to see about your  confirmed entry into the Coordinated Entry System.

Landlord Symposium Flyer 2022


Good Afternoon Pierce County Landlords!

We wanted to let you know the Pierce County Rental Assistance program will stop accepting applications on August 1st, 2022. Tenants will have until then to submit or make changes to their rental assistance application. Applications will be processed normally until all funds have been distributed. To qualify, you must be overdue on rent and prove you have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
IF YOU HAVE ALREADY APPLIED: You will be contacted by a provider to process your application. We are currently processing applications from November 2021. Once those applications are processed, we will begin reviewing applications from March 2022.

IF YOU HAVE REGISTERED BUT DID NOT SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION: You have until August 1st to complete your application. Make sure you include all required documentation and include landlord information.

IF YOU HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED RENTAL ASSISTANCE: You are on the wait-list. There is no guarantee of additional funds. You may be contacted if funds are available after new applications are processed.

Here is a link to some frequently asked questions you may have regarding the portal closure.

Still have questions? You can email – [email protected]


Pierce County Rental Assistance


Pierce County Rental Assistance Program (Please note, this is NOT a PCHA program, this is just a link to Pierce County WA website for your convenience)

Goodwill Connect

COVID emergency fund for non-subsidized household

Public Records Request


Pay your rent online for any Pierce County Housing Authority owned apartment or Low-Income Public Housing unit using your checking or savings account, debit or credit card by clicking the PAY ONLINE button below.  Payments can be in any amount you designate, on the date you select, and you can set up recurring payments.  You will need your tenant billing statement to register the first time you log in.  A nominal fee is required for payments made using a debit or credit card.